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Kid-Focused Organization and Cleaning

If you have kids, you probably have clutter. No matter how hard you may try to limit toys to certain rooms, inevitably, everything starts to spread. The actual designated toy areas of your Canton GA new homes probably need an organizational update, as well. With kids back in school, or if they’re in daycare or at the grandparents, take advantage of any time when the kids are out of the house to do some kid-focused cleanup and organization.

Start off with the clothing. Kids grow practically overnight, so unless you’ve recently checked all of their clothing, now is a good time to start sorting. Toss anything that is torn or stained. Anything that has only been worn a few times but has been outgrown in size or taste, go ahead and donate it or put it in a hand-me-down pile if you have younger kids in your life. When it comes to shoes, it’s best just to toss anything that they’ve outgrown unless they’re dress shoes that have only been worn once or twice. Once you have a to-keep pile, organize similar items together to encourage kids to dress themselves if they aren’t already.

Hopefully, your children have already developed a love for reading and have a full bookcase. However, as they grow, some books will be too easy for them, so unless it’s a book that your children still look at regularly, go ahead and pack up books that they’ve outgrown. Some you may want to keep to pass down, but others can be donated unless they’ve suffered through teething and too many scribbles. This will leave room for new books and maybe stick a few new books into the shelves and encourage your children to find and read them.

You probably have a bunch of craft items, from crayons and markers to Play-Doh and glue sticks. Go through and toss anything that is dried out, not enough worth saving, or simply past its prime. If you have stacks of drawings and crafts that are just gathering dust, go through those as well and only keep the ones with the most sentimental value.

Finally, it’s time to get tough on toys, and that includes any bathtub toys that are growing mold in corners of the tub. Anything that is broken, missing pieces, or is just a bit of junk that came with a kid’s meal or gift bag that is gathering dust needs to be tossed. This is when it really helps to have the kids out of the house so they’re less likely to suddenly need any particular toy. If there are toys that are still in good shape but you know your children never play with them, donate those. Make sure you organize the remaining toys giving each a particular place to be returned after use. Baskets for soft toys, shelving for books and board games, and similar child-friendly organizational items make it easier for kids to clean up after themselves.

By cleaning up when the kids are away, they’re less likely to notice what is gone. You may want to store any items for donation for a few days, just in case it turns out something truly beloved has been tossed. However, if the kids don’t miss them after a few days, you know they’ve outgrown them. By doing this cleanup every season, you will have a better chance of staying on top of all of the things your children are outgrowing, particularly when it comes to clothing and broken toys that are just taking up space. The result will be Canton GA new homes that remain child friendly, but not overgrown with plastic and plush.



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